Notes To Myself

Please remember to do the following things each day:

Smile :)
Go for a Walk :)
Give bf a Kiss when he leaves to Work:)
Take it Easy :)
Enjoy the Little Things :)
Love Life :)
Act like Everyday is a Day Gained :)
Remember to Breathe :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Quick List of Things I Can't Forget

Right now I'm organizing a giant clean up of the house... I'm taking a quick break from cleaning to write some things I need to review later.

PLANNING is essential over the next couple of days as I tackle the question of household chores.

Needed: Lot's of White bored to write reminders on (ie: if you take a plate out of the cupboard you are responsible for making sure it makes it in to the dishwasher) Garbage Cans.

I don't really know how to start this plan in motion but what I'm forseeing is the house getting cleaned... and then once cleaned we maintain that level of cleanlyness... Even if I have to post reminders... YES we are ALL stoners... therefore we do STUPID things... so we must create a system that works even in that light.



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